Thursday, November 12, 2009
For Years You Have Travelled
musk mixing with loam
shadow stalking
the edges
of my mind.
Bask in the heat
of exposure
naked skin
sings in the sun.
Berries are ripe
& ready to harvest
as sweet juices
kiss your chin.
Slumber safely
embraced by wild flowerings
inhaling the blossoms nectar.
the buzzing hive
the gift of honey
caressing your tongue.
Dive to the depths
& drink deeply
from the clear pools
of my eyes-
your reflection
dances across the surface
of my soul.
Claim your deed.
Climb the canopies of my longing
& experience
the acreage of my heart.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Buried Alive
to find the motherless child
who ran away
so very long ago-
buried alive
the goddess within
& pounds
with knuckles
& raw
on the barred door
of my being
& cracked
longing for the swollen teat
of my warrior woman
that i may drink
of her courage
& find my feet
to run
through the woods
drying my wings
so that i may leap
from the cliffs
through the darkness
to welcome
the dawn
of my rebirth
Thursday, September 17, 2009
stirring in my soul
clouds are forming
beneath my eyelids
the tempest tempts
perhaps I'll give in
stop swimming
let the dark currents
pull me under
so I can finally sleep
Sunday, September 13, 2009
from the knowledge
that no one
to be present
in my life
false words
empty promises
always that convenient
to sit on
& then be gone
a tree giving
in life's storm
Crimson Warning
but you never hear me-
no one ever hears me
i'm shattered
the shards of my heart
tear the foot's flesh
& i leave bloody prints
along the way
a crimson warning
to those too weak
to traverse
the path of longing
Friday, September 11, 2009
Your River
Your River ran by me
Filling- spilling the floodgate
Diving with abandonment-
I drown in the ecstatic waves of possibilities.
Your River ran over me
& I let go
Divinely currented by Your Love
I am one with the Waters of Creation
Mere rocks cannot stop the flow of Spirit.
Your River runs through me
Washing the locust years away-
I dance with the Invisible.
Your River runs As Me
& as drunken Majun
I whirl dervishly in Your Light.
The Gardener
Fertile and rich
You have been my Soil
Feeding my gentle seed
Nurturing growth.
You have been my Water
My Wellspring
& I suckled there
Always thirsty.
You have been my Sun
Fountain of Light
I reached towards You
You sprang my growth towards the Stars
Feeding my Longing to couple with the Heavens.
You have been the Gardener of my Soul
Weeding the choking’s of ego
Freeing me to expand my Roots
To the absolute depths of my being
Moving through the darkness to find my Strength
My Grounding.
Now You have given me the greatest gift of all
For now You are my Wind
Moving through me
Beyond this meager shell
Scattering my ripened seeds to the world
Releasing me.
Mongolian Queen
covered in skins
thighs wrapped tight
around her chosen warrior.
One with their horse
they travel
through days
full moon thunderstorms
butterfly mountains-
till he gives her the seventh rainbow
& pink rain
falls on purple mountains.
& he takes her
wind tangled
horse numb
to his arms
to his bed
to their dreams
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Like a kite in a child's hand....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Wolf

A wolf, black as night
circles the slippery banks of Reason
watching me drown
pulled under by the weight
of my armoured heart
I die & climb naked from the dark waters
no longer a stray dog licking at the air
trying to taste of the spray
I have lept over the edge
& become one with the falls
I am called to join the pack
& hunt the scent of wine
Tasting the sweetness
of Longing
lining my lips
I stand
eyes wide open
heart unsheaved
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Your Gaze
Your gaze
the tender tinder
of my heart
setting it ablaze.
Igniting skin.
Breath on my neck
fans the flames
feeds the fire
Broken pieces
of me
in your arms
a foundry
making me molten
The artist
of my freedom
again and again
until I am whole
beneath your hands
You Saturate
You saturate my senses
Your skin’s scent
breath’s song
life’s heat
Your salt lines my lips…
Eyes closed
thousands of miles away
touching the memory of your smile
and my heart explodes
with the light of you
I face the darkness
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Heavens
feel the strains of stitches
as the distance weighs
My Soul screams your name
& the echo
swims in tears
-elizabeth weber
Friday, May 29, 2009
Blood of My Heart
You are
the blood of my Heart
You have found a way
To haunt
my flesh
-elizabeth weber
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I Am On My Way to You
I am on my way to you
& I am in the clouds
I see them with my eyes
feel them in my soul
You are my grounding
my earth
& I can barely contain my laughter
as I think about
waking up in the morning
with the scent of you
buried beneath my nails
-elizabeth weber
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
An Unsheaving of the Heart

circles the slippery banks of Reason
watching me drown
pulled under by the weight
of my armoured heart
I die & climb naked from the dark waters
no longer a stray dog licking at the air
trying to taste of the spray
I have lept over the edge
& become one with the falls
I am called to join the pack
& hunt the scent of wine
Tasting the sweetness
of Longing
lining my lips
I stand
eyes wide open
heart unsheaved"
-elizabeth weber
An Unsheaving of the Heart, acrylic on canvas, 20x20, $400
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009
nestled in your arms
nestled in your arms
breath mixing with musk of skin
rhythmic lullaby of heart
serenades my soul
riding the gentle swell of breathing
in the darkness of sleep
i reach for you
and in the freedom of dreams
you are always there
-elizabeth weber
Beyond the Cliffs

A few posts ago I wrote about the painting “Choosing to Trust.” Here is an excerpt from that:
Recently, I found myself in a situation where I was blessed with the opportunity to choose to trust. Doing so meant I would have to step beyond years and years of painful heartache and self-doubt. And in that moment when I chose to trust, I felt myself setting fire to all of intellects careful research and documentation it has been collecting for ages. And as intellect’s screams of doom chased me down I joyously leapt from the treacherous precipice of fear, and smiled as I finally saw the view beyond those cliffs (but that is another painting). In Choosing to Trust, I chose to be free.
I spoke about the view from beyond the cliffs. It is in fact a spectacular view. You can finally see beyond all the negative emotional chains that normally bind us and keep us from truly loving, from truly being free.
When I jumped, I flew. And I flew for awhile. I tasted the sweet, intoxicating nectar of being one with my Divine Nature.
This painting came from the joyous space of finally being free from it all for the first time.
In fact while this painting was coming through, each time I closed my eyes I could see nothing else but this view. It was screaming to be born from within.
Since then, however, I have come to see something more in this painting.
Someone close to me shared that they experienced a sense of hell in this painting. At first I set that image aside, knowing that it wasn’t hell to me, because I was flying above it all and looking down, but as I thought about it, and what I have experienced since that leap, I can see it clearly.
For when I jumped off the cliff and let go, I left fear, guilt, shame, self-doubt, mistrust, jealousy, and pain behind. All of those things did not disappear; they are still down there below me. So in fact if you think about it, those emotions are a personal self-made hell.
However, like Icarus, I became exhilarated by the thrill of flying and began to get careless. I flew too close to those fires of my hell, and my wings could no longer hold me. I fell. Perhaps I couldn’t really let go of those things that weigh us down.
Why are we so attached to our baggage? It seems that as soon as we finally free ourselves from it, when we finally set it down because it has become too heavy and is weighing us down, we rush back to check on it. It is as though we need to make sure it is still there. We are almost protective of it. We feel naked without it and we are fearful of our nakedness.
We are so used to seeing a muddy reflection of ourselves that when we finally have the courage to clean off the mirror we don’t recognize ourselves. Our raw and freshly exposed skin tingles from a sense of heightened and electric awareness. Not unlike a reptile sloughing off a skin that has become too tight to grow further; its new skin is sensitive to everything in its environment.
Instead of just delighting in the experience of fully feeling for the first time, we rush to retrieve our masks that we packed away in that luggage back there. We pick up that stifling mask of fear or blinding mask of self-doubt and re-cover our brilliant Souls with them, blocking out the Light. We climb back into that incredibly heavy armor of ego and we can no longer fly from the sheer crippling weight of it.
But unlike Icarus, we have the opportunity to leap from the cliff again and again to test our trust in our inherent ability of flight. It is the mistrust of the birthright of flight that causes us to keep crashing headlong into our personally created hells. But if we have the courage to climb the jagged rocks of attachment, we can choose to jump from the precipice once again, re-birthed in the Heavenly Skies, killing off a part of our false identities.
So let’s be like children and take a running leap, hand in hand, off the edge.
Ready? On the count of three. One, two, three….
Friday, May 15, 2009
Drunk in Your Forest

of your heady musk
I lay intoxicated in your forest
With the boughs of your being
encircling my existence
I watch the sunlight flickering
across my eyelids
as the leaves of your soul
on the breeze of your breathing
Slipping under the spell of sleep’s seduction
I feel drops of your dew
from my warm
-elizabeth weber
Choosing To Trust

When I think of the word trust, or more importantly, when I choose to trust in something, it means I have let go. I have let go of fear. I have allowed myself to step beyond the past and embrace the “Now.” All of our fears, our doubts, and our rationalizations as to why we, or someone else, can or cannot do something are based in our past experiences. As children, we don’t doubt our abilities, until something challenges those beliefs in ourselves. Perhaps it was a personal “fall” of some kind, or a “pulling down” placed upon us by another.
To me, trusting in something, or someone, even myself, does not mean that they won’t mess up, or let me down, or not do what I am hoping that they will do. It means knowing that regardless of what happens, or how my preconceived notions of how something is supposed to turn out differ from the end result, that I will be okay anyway.
It seems impossible to me to trust in something or someone unless you follow Heart. I say this because that is where I experience Truth. When I am in a situation and need to decide what to do, it does not matter how much my useful and very complicated brain tries to help me. If Heart speaks of a different path, a different decision, and I choose intellects well thought out plans…. Well, that’s when regret’s shadow covers my path. And regret is a very dark and thick presence that can obscure all Light if you let it.
Yet, this is when it can get tricky.
You see, intellect is a very clever little monkey, capable of creating all kinds of fancy charts and diagrams, that are all color coded with pages and pages of annotated references to past experiences, none of which are ever very pretty. (I wonder why intellects secretary always shreds the triumphant files….
But Fearless Heart knows Truth. And that is a very, very powerful combination. Heart knows pain intimately. And those of us, who still place trust in Heart, know that the deeper we feel that pain, the higher our joys can fly. There is no difference in the two.
Recently, I found myself in a situation where I was blessed with the opportunity to choose to trust. Doing so meant I would have to step beyond years and years of painful heartache and self-doubt. And in that moment when I chose to trust, I felt myself setting fire to all of intellects careful research and documentation it has been collecting for ages. And as intellect’s screams of doom chased me down I joyously leapt from the treacherous precipice of fear, and smiled as I finally saw the view beyond those cliffs (but that is another painting). In Choosing to Trust, I chose to be free.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Path
in the freedom of dreams
nestled in your arms
breath mixing with musk of skin
rhythmic lullaby of heart
serenades my soul
riding the gentle swell of breathing
in the darkness of sleep
i reach for you
and in the freedom of dreams
you are always there
-elizabeth weber
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Beloved
A group of us one morning in
Imagine sitting alone in the dark on the ground. You can feel the remnants of Night’s dampness and chill seep into you as you wait. You can hear Ocean teasing Shore awake. You start to see a soft glow as Sun starts its walk up the back of Mountain. You can see Him getting closer and closer to Mountain’s shoulders, and then rise above Mountain’s head. You can feel Him begin to gently enclose you in His blanket of warmth. You close you eyes so you can “see” better. Sun’s grip on you tightens and all you can feel is all the darkness within you starting to catch fire and burn away. You witness that fire spread through every inch, every pore of your being. Instead of ashes, only white light is left behind. And even though your eyes are closed you can still see the light, the heat, of Sun. At some point your realize that you have joined Sun in this morning dance and you no longer feel burdened with your heavy body and you dance with all of your heart as your Soul is lifted with this rising heat. When you open you eyes, you are surprised that you have actually been turning to stay one with Sun and you now see Him in his full Glory over Ocean’s body.
And then, you go home and paint….
The Beloved, Elizabeth Weber, acrylic on canvas, 30 x 30, $600